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Office of Public Records Internship and Practicum Opportunities

Library/Law Library Cataloging

MLIS students interested in a practicum or field study in the area of cataloging are invited to apply to the Office of Public Records’ Library of Governmental Information. The holdings of the Library of Governmental Information include journals, books, legal publications, and “grey literature,” reports and studies published by agencies of the District of Columbia government.

During your practicum/field study, you will be cataloging the District of Columbia’s “grey literature” and legal publications as part of the efforts of the Office of Public Records to improve access to its collections and prepare for a successful move to a new facility in the coming years.  You will also have the opportunity to conduct basic legal research to identify publications that agencies are required to produce in order to ensure that those publications are and have been submitted to Library. The work must be conducted on-site during regular business hours.

As time permits, you may have the opportunity to co-author a research guide to the primary legal sources held by the Office of Public Records, or to make recommendations for weeding of publications in accordance with the OPR collections policy.

To apply, email your resume, a statement of interest, and a link to your school’s practicum or field study requirements to [email protected].

Archives Processing

MLIS students with a concentration in archives or cultural heritage are invited to apply for a practicum or field study with the DC Archives within the Office of Public Records. The DC Archives holds valuable records documenting the history of the District of Columbia. During your practicum/field study, you will conduct processing activities on one or more of a number of previously accessioned collections with current research interest.

The activities you will be responsible for include:

  1. Physical processing of the collection (refoldering in archival quality folders, removal of harmful materials such are stables and paperclips, and reboxing).
  2. Arrangement and description of the collection.
  3. Creation of a finding aid.
  4. Possible development of online content about collection.

Because of the level of interest in these records, you may have the opportunity to consult with researchers.

To apply, email your resume, a statement of interest, and a link to your school’s practicum or field study requirements to [email protected].

Undergraduate Unpaid Internship

Undergraduate students with an interest in history, architecture, public policy, librarianship, or archives are invited to apply for an internship with the Office of Public Records. Typical projects will include creating folder-level inventories of archival collections, managing the physical condition of mid-century building permits, and transcribing 18th and early 19th century handwritten records. All work must be done on-site during regular business hours with a minimum commitment of six hours a week.

To apply, email your resume and a statement of interest to [email protected].